Our sessions will be

  • Personalized

    Every individual and group has their own personality and goals. Each session is unique as we address the specific needs of that person or group of individuals.

  • Interactive

    Participation is the key to success! The sessions are what you make of them. We will provide information & tools, and there will be an opportunity for everyone to reflect, share & engage.

  • Confidential & Kind

    We want to create a safe space for growth, and encourage all sessions to be confidential and kind. Please see our groundrules under FAQ.

    P.I.C.K. Woodlands Teen Workshops!


Who are these workshops for?

While we would love to cater to all children, teens and parents, our primary focus is women & girls. Most of our sessions are for tweens & teens, however we are happy to accommodate & periodically offer to other ages.

Do you offer workshops online?

We occasionally offer online workshops (mostly by request). The true magic happens in person, where we can feel seen and part of a community.

Do you offer workshops outside of the woodlands, Texas?

We are open to workshops outside the Woodlands area and will evaluate each opportunity on a case-by-case basis.

**There may be additional fees for travel.

what is your cancelation policy?

We can offer a full refund, less fees for cancelations that occur up to ten (10) days before a workshop. We understand that things may come up!

What are the workshop ground rules?

  • Everything shared is confidential.

  • Be present. Cellphones off. No side conversations.

  • Be Honest. Be Kind.

  • "Share the air" - Only one person talks at a time. It’s everyone’s responsibility to be inclusive and allow space for all to contribute ideas and thoughts.

  • "Tackle problems, not people" - Discuss the issue, and YOUR experience. Use “I” statements.

  • A & A Rule - Instead of judging ideas, focus on Adding to ideas or providing Alternatives.

  • Progress is the priority, not perfection. There are no “wrong” answers. Don’t try to have the perfect answer, it will emerge during the discussion process.

  • "Be the crew, not the passenger" – This is your workshop, contribute actively (crew), instead of falling back and observing (passenger).

Will you keep everything confidential? even from parents?

We will honor everyone’s confidentiality, unless someone is in danger of being harmed. Then we have an obligation to inform the appropriate authorities.